Ali CherriAli Cherri | Egyptian Scale


Egyptian Scale

2016, Historical photograph 1900/1920. Drawings, ink and charcoal. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Imane Farès, Paris

Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile
Egyptian Scale  Drawings mobile

The Egyptian Scale is based on a series of photographs of Egyptian ruins and temples from 1900-1920 made by the Swiss photographer V. de Mestral-Combremont. In each plate, the photographer placed an Egyptian man to give a sense of the size of the architecture. By applying a layer of Ink and charcoal on top of the original plates a new reading arise: the drawing of a grid highlights how the “local” Egyptian was used as a measuring scale. This western gaze upon ruins is part of the construct of a value system that was set by modernity. The red ink flow on the photograph highlights the position of the Egyptian man, but also annunciate a moment of violence upon historical ruins.